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E-mail marketing

Build effective and automated marketing campaigns with our drag-and-drop system.

User management

Explore the number of options that are available to the Account Administrators in our system.

Send campaigns

Send your campaigns to as many contacts as you wish with our automated email system.

Grow your audience

Connect with your contacts through personalized sign-up forms and emails and grow your audience.

Tagless builder

Implement any HTML-code without necessary tags. Your emails are editable in one click.

Implement HTML

Implement existing HTML codes to beautiful templates in one click. No more coding or intricate building required.

Gallery storage

Upload the images you want to use for your campaigns once. Use them limitlessly after.

Preview mode

See your emails as you edit with our preview mode. This allows you to perfect your emails without any hassle.

Low pricing

You never pay more than you use with our Pay As You Grow System. You can even start for free today.

Join our newsletter

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